
Social Media

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How can your brand be sociable?

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servicii linkedin

Facebook, Instagram, LinedIn, Pinterest – you know they exist (you most likely use at least one) and you heard that having them is good for your business.

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You are not wrong:
social media is a great platform for awareness, for establishing credibility for your products and services, and for speaking directly to your fans.

servicii social media companii pinterest
servicii facebook

social media is technology, not strategy. The simple fact of having created a Facebook/Instagram/LinkedIn page is not enough – it’s just the beginning!

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What should social media involve:

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Appropriate tone of voice:
are you addressing a potential business partner or the end user? Pick your target from the start and establish a single voice from private messages to replies to comments and reviews.

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Visual unity:
the first thing your fans come across when seeing your posts. Make sure it respects your brand identity: logo, fonts, color scheme, graphic elements, etc.

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Consistency in communication:
post on the regular – tell your fans about news developments in your field, how your products/services can help them out, what other customers say about you and about your business’ most important achievements.

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Open dialogue:
do not ignore a single comment or review, be they positive or negative. They are a great way to check in on your community and to solve any disgruntlement in a diplomatic way.

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Promotional campaigns:
do you want more fans for your page, do you want to direct them to your website – who doesn’t? But to set up a successful campaign you need attractive content, creative visuals, a relevant target and continuous optimization and monitoring.

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What is standing in your way?

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  I don’t know how to use social media for businesses

  I don’t have time to handle posts/PMs/comments

  I don’t know when and what to post

  I don’t know how Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Pinterest Ads work

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Think Up!

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Why is social media a good choice for your business?

1.Being sociable matters:
after your website, social media is the place where users search for information about your business. The medium is perfect for a friendly, informative, and original presence – just make sure this presence is perfectly you.

2.It offers a direct line of communication with your fans:
social media allows you to find out exactly how your clients speak and their unfiltered opinions. This is how you can use your community to learn what improvements you can make.

3.You can truly target your promotional activities:
social media ads allow you to go full niche when selecting a target audience for your messages (job title, interests, age, sex and a long list of traits you probably haven’t thought of yet!). This allows your messages to reach exactly the people you need.