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I need a website, fast! Can you help me?

We can do website in fast-forward mode but we’d rather give each project a certain amount of time to come up with the best content, design and implementation solutions. We want each website to come out of our keyboards and mouse to be more than a momentary solution – we want to provide you with a long term staff member for your company.

How can I tell if my slogan fits?

Super simple: if your slogan fits in almost any other niceh, odds are this is not the best choice for your business. The slogan needs to represent your brand’s essence in a few precious words that pack an emotional punch. If they don’t, you need a new slogan.

Why can’t I make a sale?

In short. We have no idea right now. In order to provide you with an informed and punctual answer, we need, you guessed it, a careful bit of analyzing. What is your Google ranking? What do Analytics numbers tell us? What is your target and how did you try to attract them? If we have the answers to these quetions, then we can move on to finding out why you’re lacking in the sales department.

Do I need a responsive website?

Over 80% of online traffic comes from mobile devices. This means that every website that does not offer a great mobile experience will lose around 80% of its potential customers. Do you need a responsive website? YES times 80.

What do you need from me?

We need all the materials that can help us do our job well and fast: brand book, quality images, as much information as possible about your brand (it can be raw data, our job is to polish it), and for you to know what you want before we get started. Your support allows us to deliver on our commitments within the timeframe both parties have agreed upon.

I want to begin promoting my brand using Google Ads and Facebook Ads – what do you recommend?

We never recommend solutions that do not fit your niche. Our recommendations are based on a careful analysis of your brand as a whole and your website. Sometimes we recommend both tools, other times we suggest you choose just one to efficiently use your budget.

What is the cost for a project?

Money makes the world go round but there is no standard answer. Each project comes with its unique set of challenges and requirements. If we applied the same MO to every project, we’d move a lot faster but end up churning out only templates and not something to be proud of. Offer us details about your project and we will provide you with a transparent quote.

I want several services but it’s not financially feasible

We try to provide financial solutions that are comfortable for our clients, but we also believe in a simple principle: you wouldn’t try to buy an object if you didn’t have the necessary sum. Our services are based on hours of research and effort dedicated solely to your brand and involve expertise that we’ve acquired in years of work.

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Can I test out a campaign for a limited time?

We understand limited budgets but we don’t generally recommend short term campaigns. On the one side we cannot optimize and draw conclusions based on limited data (an unpleasant consequence of short-term campaigns). On the other hand, if you want to shine a light on your brand, that light cannot fade in and out.