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Google Ads

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There you are! I've been looking for you...

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When do you want to appear in searches?
Just when someone is looking for what you have to offer. That’s exactly what Google Ads does: you select the relevant keywords, choose the amount to invest and your ad will appear when someone searches for the type of product/service you offer.

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Display ads increase website traffic by 300%

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Google Ads website visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase

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What's stopping you from doing this?

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  I’m not sure I know how to set/monitor a campaign

  I don’t know what to do with users who come to the site who don’t buy

  What do I choose between search, display, remarketing?

  How do they share the budget?

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Think Up!

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Why choose us for your Google Ads campaign?

Strategie Marketing google ads

We have experience and certifications: Google Partner Agency and we have been working in this field since 2012.

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measurable results
All the numbers are at your fingertips: how and where the budget is being used, how many users we’ve brought in, how they’ve interacted with the site and how many conversions there are – so you know where the “money is going” and we can optimize accordingly.

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The secret to an ad that is shown before the competition? Not necessarily the budget as much as the originality of the ad and the quality of the page where you direct the customer. Do you have them? Then you’ll be visible at a lower cost.

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well-chosen target
Where do your ads appear? We select certain areas, devices, times (if you have a physical store, we only display ads during opening hours), affinities in online behaviour – all to “hit” the exact person who would be interested in what you offer.