
The sweet kernel

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How to not create
ads people ignore

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What you’re reading here is content.
If we’re doing a good job, you’ve made it this far.
If we continue to do a good job, you’ll continue reading. See how this works? The longer you read, the more you’ll learn about us and the more likely you will be to want to get to know us.
How are we doing so far?

servicii marketing continut agentia connect media en
servicii marketing continut agentia connect media 1 en

of B2C companies use content marketing

Content is the core of both your online and offline presence.
If design is the initial hook, then content is a promise fulfilled: relevant, concise, easy to read and understand – it motivates the user to find out more about the brand, to choose its products or services.

However, content does not refer solely to your website.
Content involves blog posts, social media posts, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, flyers, brochures, newsletters – everything built on words is brand content.

servicii marketing continut agentia connect media 2 en

of Google Ads visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase

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What is standing in your way?

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  I don’t want to use clichés

  I have no time to create content for my brand

  I have no time to research the correct tone of voice

  I have no content strategy for all media I plan on using

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Think Up!

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De ce este Google AdWords o alegere
bună pentru afacerea ta:

Content is the reason we have search engines. Regardless of how pretty a website looks, if the user won’t find the information they were looking for, you’re left with just a good package.
At Connect Media content strategy provides you with:

Strategie Marketing content marketing
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A clear direction for communication:
if you know where you want to end up, it will be easier to take the steps to get there.

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Authority in the field:
provide your users and fans with relevant, concise and “delectable” information and they will turn to you when they need to make a choice or require pertinent advice.

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Balanced content:
content strategy needs to be optimized both for the end user, as well as for search engines (ideally, you have to happiness on both sides). That’s how you get an online presence that is easy to index for Google and easy to “index” for George who is looking for your products.

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A convincing push:
sometimes the one thing that turns a website visitor into a paying customer can be one sentence. Content strategy makes sure that sentence is there, front and center.