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Now you're reading content.

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And now the same.

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If we’ve done our job well, you’ll keep reading so you’ll learn more about us and our services AND maybe be more interested in getting to know us.

servicii marketing continut agentia connect media en
servicii marketing continut agentia connect media 1 en

of B2C companies use content marketing

The content must be the core and the kernel.
The design promises and the content delivers. It should be relevant, concise and motivate the passing user to learn more about you, your services or your products.

Content is not only on the website.
Content is any blog article, any social media post, any Google or Facebook ad, any flyer, brochure, newsletter, flyer.
If it has words, it’s content.

servicii marketing continut agentia connect media 2 en

of Google Ads visitors are 50% more likely to make a purchase

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What is standing in your way?

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  I don’t know WHAT I want to say and HOW to say it.

  Content takes time and I don’t have it.

  I don’t know what the right tone is.

  I don’t have a plan for all types of content.

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Think Up!

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Content is the first step to being found by search engines. No matter how good a website looks, if it doesn’t have the information you need, you’ll be left with just forms without substance.
That’s exactly what our content strategy gives you: substance to form.

Strategie Marketing content marketing
tag 1 o directie clara de comunicare min

a clear direction for communication:
we establish what you want to say and give it an original and attractive form.

tag 2 autoritate in domeniu min

authority in the field:
written content is relevant, information easy to navigate – so users will trust you.

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SEO-man balance
We reconcile the goat (SEO) and the cabbage (human users) – so you’ll be easily indexed by Google and George.

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a convincing push:
the difference between user and customer? It can be a single sentence. Content makes sure that sentence exists and is in pride of place.