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Web Development

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Your only 24/7

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Your website needs to be an online store, office, spokesperson, customer support rep and a relevant source of information: it sounds very intimidating.

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2 seconds

Website Web Development

the maximum time for a page loading.
Over 2 seconds you lose 50% of users.

When first contact
with your brand is an
old-fashioned, lumpy and
unfriendly website,
you can be sure there
will be no return visit.


of smartphone users would not
recommend a business if the
website is not responsive

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What is standing
in your way?

  I don’t have the technical know-how

  I don’t know the different types of platforms and their perks

  I don’t know the latest and most relevant updates

  I don’t know what type of website I need

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Think Up!

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A website is the cornerstone of your online presence. That’s why you need a solid, memorable, easy to use and intelligently build website to eliminate any future unpleasantries.

At Connect Media web development means:

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establishing the type of website you need

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choosing the best platform based on your requirements

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card payment integration, delivery modules, tracking codes and a long list of functionalities that optimize your business

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personalized web design and seamless transitions from desktop to smartphone

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on-site SEO: links, metas, image naming

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optimized images for fast loading times

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website maintenance and compliance with the latest standards and practices