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Everyone hates spam

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So why keep
sending newsletters?

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Because you can do it right with emails that make subscribers CLICK.
Discover how well personalisation works and how one extra step helps you get closer to your customers.

of users are influenced by personalized content

campanii email marketing agentia connect media en
servicii marketing continut agentia connect media 2 en

if retail companies say email marketing is the best way to keep a client

Strategie Marketing email marketing
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How can you do this?

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Product recommendations based on past purchases.

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Special offers for birthdays or on certain time intervals.

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Special discount codes offered exclusively to newsletter subscribers.

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What is standing
in your way?

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  I don’t have a mail plan.

  I don’t know how to segment the database.

  I don’t know when to send and what to write or how to make it look…

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Think Up!

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We do all the steps for the complete package:

From email subject to content, personalized design and final link, everything has to make the end user do something: buy, sign up or just keep you in their mind.

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Best case scenario:
a newsletter reminds the user that you exist.

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Meh case scenario:
a newsletter makes a client smile.

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Worst case scenario:
a newsletter ends up in the trash folder.