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Visual identity

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Who you are as brand

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Your brand’s visual identity is defined by your logo and slogan.
The logo is a symbol based on text and imagery that instantly helps you identify a brand. The slogan is your brand’s defining promise.


is the defining element of a slogan

Together these two elements need to:

represent and define your identity
attract users
set you apart from the competition
encourage brand loyalty
be adaptable: as attractive on a website as they are on business cards, social media, invoices, etc.

The logo and slogan are the central
focus of your brand’s presence:

They will dictate how you communicate,
how you introduceyourself and what the relationship
will be like with your potential customers.
This is why you can’t underestimate their importance.


milliseconds: that’s how long it takes a
logo to create a first impression

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What is standing in your way?

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  I don’t know how to visually distill my brand’s essence

  I don’t know the emotion I want my slogan to stir

  I don’t know how to build a defining conceptual identity

Branding LogoSlogan
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Think Up!

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Ne orientam spre full package:

A copywriter presents your brand’s promise in a way that attracts attention and instantly creates an emotional bond. A visual designer will distill your brand’s essence (values, commitment, target, differentiator) in an instantly recognizable and conceptually intelligent concept – no clichés or obvious solutions. Together the two elements and the two Connect Media team members will provide you with a visual identity that:

tag 1 o directie clara de comunicare min

defines and
differentiates your brand

tag 2 autoritate in domeniu min

cements your position
in the consumers’ mind

tag 3 content echilibrat min

makes the target
learn more about you