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Market Positioning

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Why should I care about your brand?

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Why is your brand different?

Before your answer, please forget about “professionalism” or “high quality”. Every one of your competitors boasts the same traits and when everyone does it, they become irrelevant.

Your brand’s differentiator

It’s that certain “something” that no one else offers and that creates and instant bond between you and the consumer. This is the one thing that defines your brand’s market positioning.

Branding Poziționare

To be successful, a brand’s market
positioning needs to be:

1 Different from the competition.
2 Based on problem solving.
3 Relevant for the target.


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What is standing in your way?

  I have no time to research the market

  I don’t really know why my brand is different

  I get stuck in clichés

  I don’t know my strengths/weaknesses

  I don’t know market trends

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Think Up!

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A brand’s market positioning does not just turn up out of thin air

It’s not based on momentary inspiration or a brilliant spark.
It requires a full 360o degree perspective: you need to know as much as possible about your niche, your competition, your strengths/weaknesses, their strengths/weaknesses, where the market is heading, who the target is and what their needs are, and a long list of details that you haven’t even considered to be relevant.

The Connect Media team offers you a relevant positioning for your brand, based on objective information, important trends, the correct target definition, and competition presence on the market.

The result

The result is your brand’s cornerstone and provides you with:

1. The foundation upon which you can build in the long term
2. Your jumping off point for the logo, slogan, website, other materials
3. A clear communication direction, easily adaptable to all media